Happy Tot Organics Super Smart Alphabet Snacks, Multi-Grain, Organic Cinnamon Sweet Potato, Tots & Tykes

+ flaxseed. 160 mg omega-3 (ALA). Make learning fun! Gluten free. USDA organic. Non-GMO. We are: real moms, pediatricians & nutritionists on a mission to bring happiness & health to our little ones. We create nutritious meals and snacks that make eating enlightened, effortless & delicious. Help your tot grow leaps and bounds, from the inside out! Super Smart multi-grain alphabet snacks contain 160 mg of omega-3 (ALA), an important nutrient during this exciting time of ABCs and 123s. Here's to a happy & healthy start! Perfect size for little fingers. Your child may be ready for Super Smart Multi-Grain Alphabet Snacks when she or he can: stand and walk without help; Feed self with fingers and is starting to use a fork or spoon; Bite through a variety of texture and solid foods. Meet the moms of happy family! Meer Shazi: Loving mom, creative and visionary thinker, founder and CEO. Meet Anne: First time mom, innovator and project maestro, SVP of Business Development. parents(at)happyfamilybrands.com. Certified organic by CCOF. Packaging made without BPA happyfamilybrands.com. Certified B Corporation. how2recycle.info. This package is sold by weight, not by volume may not appear full due to setting of contents.