Bilinskis Chicken Sausage, Organic, Sweet Apple

USDA organic. Since 1929. No pork casing. Gluten-free & fully cooked. 85% lower fat than the USDA data for cooked pork sausage (Fat reduced from 23 g to 2.5 g per serving). Minimally processed, no artificial ingredients or preservatives. Inspected for wholesomeness by US Department of Agriculture. About Organic: All our ingredients are grown organically. That means the chickens are raised without antibiotics and everything they eat, as well as the spices, herbs, vegetables, and fruits used in our sausages are grown without pesticides or herbicides. Our products have no preservatives or artificial ingredients. It's better for the environment and better for you! The Bilinski's family. For recipes and more about Bilinski's: Certified organic by Quality Assurance International.